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MODELS: CB930BCC663CC663-02CC666CD080CD081CD082CD083CD084CD230CD239-03CD612CD616CE217CF761CK640CT424CW195CW198DA462DA463DA464DB332DB843DB950DF655DL916DN492-02FA440FA441FA854FA855G SeriesG-SeriesG379G592-02G593G594G594-02G595G597G598G599G600G605G622GC889GD874GD879GD881GD883GE580GE581GE769GE999GG762GG763GH339GH429GH507GJ448GL006GL007GL007-E-06GL011GL017GL185GL189GL192U-SeriesU300660U633-02U634U638UA010UA013UA014UA015UA016UA020UA032
This 3 door prep fridge with saladette by Polar is designed for everyday commercial use in demanding professional environments because of its strong commercial construction and hard-working compressors. With a large internal storage capacity of 390ltrs and adjustable shelving allowing you to keep your chilled produce organised. The built in saladette has space for up to 8 x ¼ GN across the top providing plenty of room for quick access chilled ingredients and a solid stainless steel countertop allows you to focus on food preparation. Digital controls provide great temperature regulation, ensuring the contents are always kept at just the temperature you need, whilst the handy built-in lid provides added hygiene, preventing the contents from contamination whilst the counter isn't in use.

£595 +VAT

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