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MODELS: CB930BCC663CC663-02CC666CD080CD081CD082CD083CD084CD230CD239-03CD612CD616CE217CF761CK640CT424CW195CW198DA462DA463DA464DB332DB843DB950DF655DL916DN492-02FA440FA441FA854FA855G SeriesG-SeriesG379G592-02G593G594G594-02G595G597G598G599G600G605G622GC889GD874GD879GD881GD883GE580GE581GE769GE999GG762GG763GH339GH429GH507GJ448GL006GL007GL007-E-06GL011GL017GL185GL189GL192U-SeriesU300660U633-02U634U638UA010UA013UA014UA015UA016UA020UA032
This Polar upright fridge is designed for everyday commercial use in demanding professional environments. The fridge includes 5 robust removable shelves large enough to accommodate double size (2/1) gastronorm pans that'll help maximise your chilled storage capacity. Constructed from sturdy stainless steel with strong heavy-duty castors ensuring it's easy to clean and position. The user-friendly control panel and display provides accurate and precise temperature regulation and hardworking compressors allow this fridge to excel in conditions up to 32 degrees and maintain temperature when being accessed frequently. Powerful and reliable, this Polar upright fridge is ideal cabinet for the commercial kitchen.

£495 +VAT

-Polar single door Fridge
-Perfect for restaurants, takeaways, cafes, dessert shops
- serviced and tested to 2°c
-Stainless steel interior and exterior
-30 days warranty

£449 VAT Free

This Polar 600L upright fridge is designed for everyday commercial use in demanding professional environments.
The fridge includes three robust removable shelves large enough to accommodate double size (2/1) gastronorm pans that'll help maximise your chilled storage capacity.
Constructed from sturdy stainless steel with strong heavy-duty castors ensuring it's easy to clean and position.

£495 +VAT

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