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Röder (UK)
MODELS: H LineP-Tent / Party Tent
6m x 9m - Roder / Custom Covers - Aluminium frame marquee
Complete Frame and white PVC covers Frame in decent condition - Very sturdy - Ex hire stock
Bungee tensioned roofs *The PVC covers are Grade B/C (past their best - Beer tent standard) *Window walls not included *The covers need cleaning - This is why the price has been reduced - Upgrade to new PVC covers available - PoR Finance available Other sizes available - ring for details

£3995 £2950 +VAT

One middle bay for 9m wide Roder frame marquee
Inc. 2x Legs, 2x Rafters, 2x Eves, 7x purlins,2x Curtain poles 1x Roof, 1x Walls
Enough to make your existing marquee 3m longer
Selling because surplus to requirements.

£1400 £1000 +VAT

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