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Custom Covers Ltd

Custom Covers (1984) Ltd is the UK’s leading marquee, marquee covers and marquee linings manufacturer and provides a full service to customers looking to buy a frame marquee, temporary shelter or tensile structure.

Marquees or temporary structures are used principally in the event industry but increasingly Custom Covers products are used in all manner of sporting, industrial, agricultural and military applications.

Our interior linings are available to purchase or hire, and come in a variety of different styles such as; starlights, pleated and flat linings.
Custom Covers
Custom Covers 15m x 30m Marquee and Flooring
No.2 sets of gable ends (can make 2 separate marquees)
Purchased in 2014
Frame in good condition
All white PVC – There may be a few window walls

£39500 +VAT

15m x 3m White PVC roof
Bungee tension
Manufactured by Custom Covers
All B Grade – some grey, some with imperfections

£195 £175 +VAT each

| Quantity: 24
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